- Fashion Futures 2015 International Symposium 개최안내 -
□ 개최개요
O 세미나 주제 : “Fashion+Wearable Technology”
O 일 시/장 소 : 2015. 10. 7(수) 9:30~16:40, 대구 EXCO 211호
O 참 석 대 상 : 섬유패션업계, 전기전자업계, 학계, 단체 및 연구기관 등 150여명
O 주 최 : 한국패션산업연구원
O 등 록 : http://www.fashionfutures.net (유료)
O 사전등록기간 : 9월 14일(월) ~ 9월 30일(수)
□ 프로그램
09:30∼10:20 : Registration
10:20∼10:30 : Opening
10:30∼11:00 : Industrial Trend and Perspectives of Wearable Devices
- Sang Cheol Han, Producer of KEIT(Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology), KOREA
11:00∼11:30 : Fashion-tech Communication: How Do Emergent Fashion Technologies and Aesthetics Transform?
- Valerie Lamontagne, CEO of 3lectromode, CANADA
11:30∼12:00 : Weave Structure Based E-textile Sensors and Their Applications to Medical/Healthcare Garments
- Yu Enokibori, Assistant Professor of Nagoya University(Graduate School of Information Science), JAPAN
12:00∼13:00 : Lunch
13:00∼13:30 : DIY Intro to Smart Crafting
- Syuzi Pakhchyan, User Experience Leader of Boston Consulting Group Digital Ventures, USA
13:30∼14:00 : Oxygen Intelligence, the Smart Networks in Wearables
- Ching Feng Fan, General Manager of Oxygen Intelligence, Taiwan
14:00∼14:30 : Thrilling Encounters of Offline Shopping and Smart Devices! "Fashion View"
- Jin Soo Park, CEO of e-Pharos, KOREA
14:30∼15:00 : Coffee Break
15:00∼15:30 : OLEDs on Textile and Fiber for Fashion and Wearable Displays
- Kyung Cheol Choi, Professor of School of Electrical Engineering, KAIST(Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), KOREA
15:30∼16:00 : After Smart Watches: Smart Shoes, the Next Wearable Computer
- Jin Wook Lee, CEO of 3L labs, KOREA
16:00∼16:30 : Design and User Experience in Smart Clothing - Mbody, Know Your Muscles
- Janne Pylvas, CEO of Myontec, FINLAND
16:30∼16:40 : Closing
※본 행사는 동시통역이 제공됩니다.
□ 등록안내 및 문의처
O Fashion Futures 2015 등록안내
구 분 |
사전등록 (9.14~30) |
현장등록 (10.7) |
일 반 |
100,000원 |
150,000원 |
학 생 |
50,000원 |
80,000원 |
※사전등록은 온라인으로 접수 가능합니다.
O Fashion Futures 2015 사무국
- TEL) 053-943-1400, E-mail) fashionfutures2015@gmail.com
첨부파일: 행사 안내장